Colin Martin

Warren Martin, Chairman

Phil Newton

Jeff Schneider, Secretary


  • Lead Minister, Brian Gilroy

    Brian provides overall leadership for the staff and the church and works alongside the elders to provide vision and direction. Brian is a Johnson Bible College (Johnson University), Olivet University, and Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary graduate. He has been on staff since 2009, and has been the lead minister since 2014. Brian is married to Becky who grew up in Columbus. They have two wonderful children, Noah and RuthAnne. Brian enjoys spending time with his family, reading books of all kinds, listening to all kinds of music, working outside, and participating in the life of the church. Brian relaxes by spending time with his wife and kids, especially on vacations (we are trying to visit as many states in America as possible!), by reading multiple books at the same time, and by watching sports (go Tarheels and Chicago Cubs!)


  • Office Manager/Financial Director, Kathy Murdock

    Kathy is a Columbus native. She and her husband, Andy, are parents to a son, Morgan, and a daughter, Katelyn. Both are married and have provided Kathy and Andy with a granddaughter and a grandson to date, with another (TBD) expected this fall. Pictures available upon request. :) Kathy enjoys spending time with her family, working in her flower beds, reading, and golfing with Andy when they can find the time.

  • Administrative Ministry Assistant, Melissa White

    Melissa grew up in the great state of Missouri. She is always ready for a little adventure. She met her husband, Mark, at Ozark Christian College. Together they like to take "silly selfies" and spoil their standard poodle, Spock. They have adult children, Allie and Timon (& Lindsey).